
Power system optimisation and energy saving retrofits

Energy analysis, efficiency assessment, optimisation, system selection for the original power system, and your own power system retrofit according to your needs!

01Direct sale
Party A purchases the equipment directly from Party B.

02Installment payments
We invest and we make regular payments of principal and interest depending on the actual situation.

03Energy contract management
We replace, install and commission energy efficient equipment free of charge and the energy savings are divided between the two parties according to the actual situation of the project.

04Energy leasing
We install and commission the integrated equipment free of charge and Party B pays our energy costs. (Efficient assembled rooms can be quickly integrated and spliced to meet different cooling situations.)


01Initial system selection

02Secondary design deepening, linkage control

03Three-dimensional simulation, integrated layout

04Factory prefabricated, assembled on site

Programme advantages

01Best energy efficiency ratio in the industry

02Save floor space in the pump room and plant room

03Better compatibility with actual working conditions and design

04Easier system implementation and on-site commissioning

05Minimum total initial investment

06Lowest lifecycle costs